Parish Giving Scheme

(Draft article).

The alternative to Sunday Collections! Giving to your Church by Direct Debit gives the PCC treasurer a reliable source of income invaluable for budgetory planning and forecasting, and Gift Aid boosts it 25%. You've probably seen the publicity and enrollment form in church, I'll include an electronic version here soon. To find out more, click on the "Get in touch" link and send at email with the subject line "Parish Giving Scheme" (If it does not show in the SUBJECT options just select "Other" and type "Parish Giving Scheme" or similar as the first line of your message).

You can make a one off donation by using the form attached below or if you don't want to Gift Aid it, the form includes our Bank Account details in order to make a BACS bank transfer.

201213_ACNY_template_video_appeal, MP4


Gift_Aid_Declaration_Parish_Giving_2022, PDF
